howdyyy, did fair today,
not exactly what I had planned but still a good job.
morning workout
ez 2 miles
Insanity Plyo Cardio
65 Squats
afternoon workout
Insanity Pure Cardio
70 Squats
I wasn't able to do any of the Blogilates videos,
(did eazy 2 miles in the morning instead)
so I will make them a priority tomorrow.
also, can I just say? dem squats is killin me.
my legs are feelin it.
actually, my back, my chest, and my core are all sore lol
but I figure if i stick through it, my body can adjust to all this exercise torture.
I just have to get through the first few days
while my body goes through the shock and the pain
then i'm golden.
and i'm so determined
cuz I can see that i'm making progress!
back at it tomorrow!
I will be posting more food related stuff too
so stay tuned!
thanks for checking out the blog,
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let me know what you want more of,
ask any questions,
or just say hi!
xo, Pam <3