Friday, May 31, 2013

day 5 - not too bad.....

okay day 5 went all right, not stellar, as I had hoped it would.
I didn't wake up early enough to do morning workouts :(
but in the afternoon I managed to livestream myself doing
Insanity Cardio Recovery,
plus 20 minutes of step aerobics.

me today

Thursday, May 30, 2013

today's pm workout

hi! just livestreamed my kickboxing workout.
I am sweaty.
before my workout

my breakfast

hello, having banana pancakes with scrambled egg and fruits.
ok, enough blogging, gonna eat :-9 

Day 4 - sweaty!

just finished my morning workouts for day 4 and I am sweatin :)
did Insanity Power Cardio and Resistance,
plus 3 mile step aerobics.
feeling good!
before workout, with Ganon

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

day 3 - off

decided to skip my workout this morning.
I was in great company and simply had to enjoy that time!
I will be playing catch up til I'm caught up, Believe It!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 2: Also a Success!

hey hey hey..
Just finished Day 2 of Insanity and I am feelin good

lookin disheveled af lol

Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 1: Success!

just finished part 1 of my super sexy summer workout plan: Insanity Fit Test.
I live streamed it on Google Hangouts, which felt a little awk,
but hey that's what I'm good at.
feelin pretty good right nao.

before workout

after workout
 exercise is a great aphrodisiac cuz I was feelin myself after my workout ha ha!
anyhow, gonna finish off with some (more) cardio!
join me tomorrow as I livestream my workout on Google+ Hangouts.
check my calendar for my workout schedule.
Happy Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

today's activity: gardening

I had so much fun gardening with my Pops today! we planted tomatoes, herbs, and chili peppers. fresh garden veggies are so delicious, I can't wait til I get to eat 'em. and it's so cheap to plant and cultivate your own, it's definitely a great way to pinch pennies, plus the health benefits. all in all a very satisfactory activity. yeauhh!

june is gonna be my month!

ok June is gonna be the month for me! summer coming up and my birthday in July, I feel like I want to work hard and be in the best shape I can be!

I'm going to live stream my morning workouts on google hangouts. I would love for you to join me, chat and get sexy together! woop!

I will be posting my workout schedule on my calendar so peep dat and hollurate at mehh :p