Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What I'm Eating 020613

today's breakfast - banana pancakes, yogurt, fruit

howdy, y'all. hope everyone is having a wonderful February so far.
Valentine's Day is about a week away and love is in the air, mmhmm.
or, if you're single, people are annoying. lolzzz!

this morning for breakfast i tried Cassie of Blogilates' flourless banana pancakes
(click here for her recipe)
they were good but a bit strange because the whole time I was cooking them
all I could think was "banana omelette" haha!
but so easy and taste pretty good.
i used a 1/2 banana and 1 egg.

i also had a cup of greek yogurt, with walnuts and a few dried cranberries for color,
and 1/2 an apple.

banana pancakes, yogurt, apple

some nutritional information:

 i personally aim for 45-65% carb, 10-35% protein, 20-35% fat.
nutrient information was obtained through USDA Food Nutrient Database

this meal was really filling, actually.
I had breakfast four hours ago and I'm just now getting hungry.
and that's with 45 minutes of moderate exercise after i ate.

let me know what you think of this meal
and leave me any suggestions or comments you have.

that's it for now, talk to you soon!

xo, PAM <3

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