Sunday, September 1, 2013

Healthy, Happy September!

Hello, friends! A new month is upon us!
Healthy, Happy September is the month
you take control of your health and improve your lifestyle.
I'm here to share what I have learned regarding
nutrition, exercise, and wellness to help you live
the healthy, happy life you deserve.

Here is the Healthy, Happy Me Weekly Nutrition & Exercise Log!
You can print and use for the week, or fill it out using a program or app.

I use this log to keep track of my daily portions of each food group.
I check off the portions and write down what I eat as I go along my day.
this Food-A-Pedia has a searchable database which gives you
food group and serving size information.
also check for information
on the different food groups, and what counts as a serving size.

the Healthy, Happy Me Log also has a water intake tracker.
drinking water helps your body function at its best,
so make sure you check off your water intake!

activity output is logged in terms of
time in minutes and METs, or Metabolic Equivalent.
METs are, simply put, rating the intensity of your activities from 1-10,
1 MET = sitting at rest, watching TV
4 METS = brisk walk, aerobics
5 METS = bicycling or jogging
8 METS = running, bootcamp class
I hope you use this log to track your food and activities!
please comment with any questions or suggestions you have!

xo, Pam

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