Tuesday, July 16, 2013

new goal in sight

hello, friends.
I have a new goal, which is to run a 5K in September.
my lovely daughter turns 2 years old that month,
and I found the perfect race to celebrate.

it's the Girls on the Go Run Series,
and it looks like so much girly fun.
runners can do a 5K with child in stoller,
which is perfect for me and my baby girl.
plus, we get cute medals for finishing!
I can't wait :)

this will be my second race.
I did a 5k last spring, and that was totally fun.
my first 5K :)
Race Day is 10 weeks away, so I will be training til then,
focusing on aerobic fitness, flexibility, and strength training.
more to come soon!

xo, Pam <3

Sunday, July 14, 2013

#3WEEKS - week 3 recap, new music

did a tad better this week than last week.
started lifting the barbell more, and did some running.
running felt soo amazing that I am inspired to do a race in the fall.
with that said, for the coming workouts I will likely have the race in mind,
how to improve my strength and speed so that I can run well and have fun.
 I am already feeling sick but I'm going to keep doing cardio and some resistance training in the coming week.

new muzik

got a couple new albums that are changing my life
particularly Pretty Lights Color Map of the Sun.
and Daft Punk Random Access Memories changed my life last week.
take a listen and tell me what you think...
I like anything melodically interesting,
sometimes harmonious, sometimes dissonant,
anything that gets me thinking or inspires me.
But I'm not of a bright, cheery disposition
and I think the music I like says that, too.
music is so expansive and expressive,
it's a deep ocean of inspiration.
xo, Pam

Sunday, July 7, 2013

#3WEEKS - Week 2 Recap

here is what I did for week 2.

not too bad, but I know I could have done better.
and my lack of effort is reflected in my halted progress.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

#3WEEKS - halfway through

hi, friends.
halfway through my #3WEEKS of torture
looking at my progress I realize that I need to fire it up!
I need to fill this chart with more exercise!
it looks sparse and sad lol
taking charge and taking action,
I vow to do more!
xo, Pam <3

Monday, July 1, 2013

#3WEEKS Day 8 - it's my birth month :D

July is my birth month, y'all!
i'm motivated to get in better shape for my birthday :D
I finished some yoga stretches and circuit training earlier,
and now I am working on a booty & abs workout.
want to do it with me?
here is the interval timer I set up